Your article describes the value of and argument for democracy in our lives. To prosper and be happy in the world we need people around us who we can communicate with and trust — friends if you like. Without them we are left with anarchists, monarchs, and dictators who have delivered conflict, destruction, inefficiencies and great unhappiness in the past. This is the case whether the setting be home, school, church, town, nation or the world. Donald Trump is the personification of the lack of democracy — no friends, no one he can trust either in the Oval Office or the world. All, you well describe in your article. He was thrown into the presidential position by a breakdown in democracy — of people being left out of the discussion, left out of the general well being. And so they revolted. Unless this underlying destructive division of people is corrected we risk more Donald Trump’s and they could well be from the left.
In a way, we are the problem and not Trump. Trump is just an awful manifestation.