You pretty much have it right Caren White. Many thanks.
Give Nancy Pelosi some credit though for the initial package which was unprecedented -- and, it worked well to keep individuals, families, small businesses and the economy all buoyant. It was a success that the Republicans were justified in sharing credit for should they have been smarter (it may have won them the election). Also, Pelosi had the follow up package ready to go back when and had the backing of the Federal Reserve.
Unfortunately Mitch McConnell has zero interest in helping the folks that you talk about and certainly doesn't want to hand over a US economy in better shape to a Democratic administration. His motto is to lock up the status quo and protect what he and his buddies have. I invite you to read my article "Donald's Ship Needs Sinking". And of course I would welcome your take.
The senate race is vital for the Biden administration to be able to move at all.