Yes, you are right there Caren. They have this time an advantage (and to the Taliband) of being involved and running things (the number of women journalists and in administrative positions etc). They can be fighters also with an apeal to remain in international papers over time.
The bunch of wanker Republicans you refer to, I have come to ignore because there is no fragment of credibility on offer. There are some Republicans with constructive voices and particularly on Afghanistan -- Mark Esper (with Amanpour), William Cohen and even Kinzinger. Leon Panetta on the Democrat side has been a rock in many interviews including FOX. Others in the most valuable category at this moment are Jake Tapper (interviewing a dumb struck Blinken) and Zakaria (who questioned if there ever was an Afghan Amy).
On the Biden front. Dismal. Was not engaged and gave the impression he couldn't care less. He took until Tuesday to pick up the phone and consult with the British PM (beside the point that Johnson's credibility score happens to be nil). The U.K. having the next biggest number of troops in Afghanistan and America's staunchest supporter in the world.
Good article and best to you.