Yes, it's exhausting, Caren.
It's counterproductive in many ways. It consumes police time that communities pay for. It makes crime more difficult to control because it distances police from communities and information.
It would scare away agricultural and service labor from the state. This occurred in Florida with the DeSantis bullying of undocumented immigrants, which resulted in increased food prices.
It must be repeated that study after study, report following report, conclude that undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than the American-born population.
But we have Fox News spouting the opposite. A class action lawsuit may be brought against them for injury due to their lies. The city of Danbury, CT, was sued by undocumented workers who were arrested because they were seeking day employment at the local bus station -- and they WON, at great embarrassment to the mayor and expense to the town. To give credit, the Mayor was jolted into appreciating that his Hispanic community, legal and illegal, made his city prosperous.
Many thanks. And best.