Wes O'Donnell, of course it's a risk, but if it makes a difference in ousting Putin from Ukraine, then it's a risk worth taking. Ukrainians are set on that objective and America , NATO and others should be committed to helping them with all means possible to complete that task. I detect a drift by America to another shameful indifference and weakness that was all too apparent with Biden's Afghanistan and Obama's Syria (both, by the way, gave a leg up to Putin).
Americans can't be safe at all cost. Like the police in Uvalde,Texas who essentially sacrificed the lives of children for their own. Recently in the NYT Thomas Friedman congratulated Joe Biden on his achievements in Ukraine without the loss of a single American soldier. This seemed weird to me. Is this not our war as much as the Ukrainians?
Made even more weird by Biden repeating that the U.S. will militarily defend Taiwan from a Chinese attack. A commitment that in no way should be taken seriously because we won't. We can certainly encourage and assist Taiwan to beef up its defenses making such an adventure less palatable to China. But if we are unwilling to risk a war with Russia that we would win?
America currently has a confusing idea of what is strength.
Many thanks.