Very passionate and you are right on a number of counts, Matthew Black.
Biden is a lack luster candidate and will make it to the White House only by Trump losing -- kind of like winning a tennis match by your opponent continually double faulting. Very risky to say the lest.
Biden is in position because of "No, we can't have Sanders" and there were good arguments on this side. While Sanders can be given enormous credit for correctly pointing to wrongs of the US, most of his solutions were wanting at best. He had no means of achieving them -- Warren tried and came a cropper.
Two articles I invite you to read "Let's Get Real -- Joe Biden is not up to the Job" and "Happiness and Wealth -- it Takes Two to Tango". The former was an argument to getting rid of Joe back in May and the latter described a way some of Bernie's issues can be addressed. Both on MEDIUM and Hearst Publications OP-ED's.
Thanks for your thoughtful article.