Umair Haque, the impeachment thing we can leave to history. It is unfortunate (and generally unpopular), that we did not have witnesses called to complete a better record of what it was all about. However, the Democrats did put their best face on the situation (Adam Schiff was particularly articulate and Nancy Pelosi managed as well as could be expected).
All along, the best way (and most uncontroversial and democratic) is to simple vote Donald Trump out of office. Not because he is a truly hideous character, but because he is an incompetent amateur. And, the United Sates (as well as the rest of the world) can do a hell of a lot better with someone considerably more talented in his position.
Just who that person should be? Again, the Democrats deserve credit for their handling of the nomination, as they have presented a smorgasbord of talent and diversity of choice (as opposed to last time, when they unfortunately preordained an unfortunate candidate in Hilary). We come down to the final four (or perhaps five, plus maybe Bloomberg).
Sanders if elected (and would likely be bludgeoned by Trump), would amount to dreadful four years of isolationism — from the world, security and trading partners, remains of the Republican Party, and the bulk of the Democratic Party. A number of executive orders would be force feed by a uncompromising old curmudgeon. And, talking of old, Joe Biden is just that — too old. Besides that timely handicap, he has credit of never been especially talented (least of which, running for office). He was kindly elevated to Vice President for very special reasons by Obama. Elizabeth Warren has a massive problem in that, for all the million selfies, she doesn’t truly relate. The reason is because she has never learnt to listen — not to her colleagues in the senate, interviews with Charlie Rose or individuals cut off before they have finished their question. The great listener in the group is Pete Buttigieg. Pete can be heard listening, and that (along with speech giving) the art of listening is a fundamental quality of a successful President (think of Obama, Bill Clinton, Kennedy and both Roosevelts — all great listeners). As well, Buttigieg is overflowing with talent and energy to address a new world (an attempt to return to an old world will not satisfy, probably because it is no longer there as we knew it). Amy Klobucher has a chance of countering Trump in the ring. Like Pete, she would hold steady on the feet. Klobucher is a most valuable person, from the workings of the farm to the senate, but lacks the big view from the hilltop.
Let’s get the best person elected.