To President Obama
It was a tragedy that did not have to be. Taking on the task of rebuilding Afghanistan was a huge and noble undertaking. We can discuss whether it should have been attempted. But we did make the decision to go ahead. We achieved small but significant success in improving the lives (especially women) of many Afghans. But we decided instead of protecting these gems to throwing them away with no benefit and uncertainly for the U.S. down the road. There was often indifference in our policy towards Afghanistan, but the previous administration essentially surrendered to the Taliban (with the condition that Americans be not shoot at on their way out). This was disloyal, unworthy and pathetic. Unfortunately President Biden continued with this course when he could have changed it. He had no mind to and now we have what we have. The United States will reteat to its cave (admittedly a large one) and the Taliban and others will come out of theirs.
Many thanks and great readable "A Promised Land".