Thoughtful article Caren White.
Cautiously moving forward is perhaps the only thing Biden has the talent for and since the election was not a sweep he is confined anyway.
That Joe has surrounded himself with familiar folks is not altogether bad as you say. The key positions of Secretary of State and Tressury are solid good choices. I thought the UN Ambassadorship could have been Pete Buttigieg's to bring both youthfulness and smarts. The old John Carey thing (bless him) was unimaginative and a missed opportunity for a new talent to be promoted.
The healing will take some doing because it has to correct the socio-economic climate that provided the setting for Trump. Those same "Trumpers" are going to be looking around for the next populist.
Solutions are going to have to be bold to provde a better place for all. I welcome you to read "Donald's Ship Needs Sinking -- to the bottom" (MEDIUM) which trys to sum up where we are at the moment. And, "Wings to Fly --a Platform for All" presents a way to go. Please let me know your thoughts.
Many thanks