Thoughtful analysis of China Ryan Lindsey.
It's true that China is unlikely to sustain the rate of growth and expectations of its population. Much the same thing happened in Japan (I think 70's) and people became more critical of their governance.
Individal leaders make such a difference -- and our attitudes towards them. We may forget (or don't know) that Putin was originally somewhat open to the west but then felt snubbed and theatened by the advance of NATO he turned inward. A similar situation mey be with Xi Jinpg (eg. He is pissed that the U.S. don't acknowledge China credit for their very hard work in producing the good value products Americans wanted).
My worry is that the U.S. and Biden are continuing to build a wall between us and China and (like Trump) reinforcing clear divisions -- like overtly folding Australia into our camp. This can be OK if it is a part of a comprehensive plan and strategy of how we compete with China. Unfortunately, it looks ab hoc to me -- worse (like Afghanistan) simply following a popular sentiment instead of proper foreign policy.
Many thanks to you. Well done.