Thanks for the article Coby Lefkowitz.
Much of what you describe can be driven by more discerning occupiers of the spaces and places.
Schools kids have music and art classes but nothing to introduce them to the quality of space about them and that they belong to. I think of architecture as a grossly undersold and misunderstood part of our lives. There could be so much more enjoyment there.
You certainly do your bit with this and similar articles.
The public have to get a taste for what can be. That happens with a little leadership but consumers need to drive the need.
When I arrived in Manhattan in the 1980s the coffee on the corner was god awful (adding milk just turned it grey). But then Starbucks arrived the coffee situation improved dramatically and everywhere. No one would want to return to the old stuff. Same thing happened with tomatoes. The quality certainly of outdoor spaces in NYC improved dramatically -- especially in the Bloomberg years. There were some talented designers there but it was sustained by an appreciating public.
Best to you.