Thanks Benjamin for your response. You raise tons of good questions.
Democracy by its nature is slow and incremental. Peter could simply tell people to pack their bags to build a new city of his dream on the Neva -- unfortunately or fortunately that won't work here and now. Lyndon Johnson well understood this even though he managed to implement some very big plans -- compromise was inevitable and that half achieved was way better than nothing. Bernie Sanders is a completely different cup of tea -- no trade deal would satisfy him, for instance.
The idealistic is beautiful because of its simple and graspable form. A shell that every complicated bit of reality has then to fit into -- that's tough, and ultimately not always desired. The Sydney Opera House is an architectural example. Jorn Utzon walked off the job because it failed to be completely his vision. But, Wow! try imagining Sydney without it? -- bravo Utzon!
I will enjoy your other writing too.