Sure Benjamin because often what is being sold is not the nuts and bolts -- the ambiance, prestige or a great feeling. All perfectly valid and it's these aspects that deliver the real joy or at least value to the buyer. The luxury market from bed sheets to Mercedes wouldn't exist without this significant add on -- and without this fewer folks (than there exiit now) would buy art.
There is an overwheming supply of new art and written work compared with demand as you say. Because the value (or rather recognition and appreciation) of art often takes many years, we all could benefit by paying artists up front -- a UBI to create. Additionally we could adopt the system where the sale of artists' work is not out right but part ownership is retained and so artists participates in resales. This was begun in a small way in France but fiercely rejected in the U.S. That could be a change much bigger than the "Scam" being partially upended recently regarding college sports.
Many thanks