Shelly Fagan, getting a population on board with anything is a long and arduous path. If making it a religion then all the best --go for it!
I think progress is actually been made. It seems incremental at present but over a threshold of momentum things can happen. Get the easy stuff done first like shifting to electric cars etc. and then the much, much harder stuff like steel and cement manufacturing can be tackled.
What is not been done at present is to price in household dollar amounts how much climate change is costing us NOW. It's got to be at least $1000 per year. Repeat this amount and keep repeating this to our audience -- till we're blue. Americans understand dollars but ONLY if they are continually made aware of the amount.
The GM and others plans for swapping out to electric is no small deal and this can then be simply built upon.
There are huge returns in prosperity by engaging the challenge and there are worldwide entrepreneurs that realise this. What we don't want in this process are trade wars (which unfortunately Biden is in the very footsteps of Trump). That totally stupid $800 to $1000 a year every household pays because of tarrifs on Chinese goods could be put into buying solar panels or something else helpful (and if it's China supplying them that's just fine. They don't have to be American made JOE).
Best to your religion! and thanks