Samuel O'Brient, you have descent arguments.
As far as Americans were concerned the war had ended and with the help of NATO forces the situation was far from ideal but we were taking few casualties and the expense of it all was affordable to us. There will be substantial costs and many unknown going forward.
Biden simply followed Trump's surrender back in Doha He took the popular opinion of Americans and put it into foreign policy. It was easy and the messy departure will all be forgtten soon.
I can't help thinking this was an avoidable blunder of Biden. It has immediately lessened our credibility with our allies and strengthened our foes. It fits the bigger picture of the U.S. pulling back from the rest of the world exactly at a time when we should be engaging. Climate change and managing aggression from China and America's prosperity as well as security will be more diffiicult now.
Nothing much to be poud of.
Many thanks