Perfectly understandable Eric, it's been a very depressing time. And, especially for people like you who think, use knowledge and try to build solutions. If these things mean to many little more than zip, then this is definitely undermining.
I love arguements. But, how do you make an arguement anymore? when the references are upturned, mooched and denied. It's a problem -- much worse, it's boring.
Mind you, on the up side -- facts, reality and reason (like atoms from high school chemistry) don't disappear and Eric you may take solace in this. They will be seen again -- I think.
I have in-laws who have pitched their tent with Donald. They did Thanksgiving for 12 in a cape cottage with not enough room to swing a cat. Christmas will be the same "stiffen the senews summon up the blood" followed by New Year's. Should someone or all get sick (they are now on borrowed probability), I'm not convinced that they would adjust even then.
I suggest a reckoning before moving on. Have you read my "Donald's Ship Needs Sinking -- to the bottom!" here on Medium? The ills go back much further than the last 4 years.