Paul Goodman, a pretty decent assessment.
You have left out China. If any one person can bring about a conclusion to Putin's aggression, it would be Xi Jinping. If China aligned with the West that would significantly change the situation.
America NOW should be head down in some very skillful diplomacy with China. Getting, if not our differences sorted, our common platform for success fully understood and agreed upon.
It is unfortunate that the U.S. has been on a path of separation from China which serves neither countries interests well -- and, especially now. Walls deliver illusionary security and prosperity. As Tom Friedman pointed out in this morning's NYT, real strength is in the millions of connections that people and nations have (my words). Not the lack of them. China actually learnt this and flourished. America has to learn this again.
As hideous as this moment is, opportunities are guaranteed present to construct a better world -- even from rubble. We need to see them and seize them.
All the West's skills and leadership is called for.
Many thanks.