Passionate article Corinne Nita.
I think you are talking more about the disparity of wealth -- and also happiness. These are all enormous concerns. I wrote an op-ed for Hearst newspapers and an edition is on MEDIUM "Happiness and Wealth -- it Takes Two to Tango".
Capitalism is simply the flow of money, goods and services and labor. It's not a villian anymore than socialism is a villain. Actually one needs the other to be successful.
May be another aspect of your article is about decision making, and that others are making those for us. Personally I prefer for most part for decisions to be market based and that only interfered with when we agreed common welfare (like us wearing masks in a pandemic or big national investments in R&D to combat climate change).
The inequality of opportunities of a completely free market can be countered by a basic income along the lines that Andrew Yang was promoting. But that can't exist without capitalism to fund it -- same thing with addressing climate change.
Many thanks