Our lack of attention to deteriorating well being goes back well before Donald Trump. In many ways poor Donald was the result -- a very bad captain of a ship that was already taking water. I invite you to read "Donald's Ship Needs Sinking -- to the Bottom!" here on MEDIUM and Hearst Publications .
I'm not as gloomy of where the country is as perhaps you, Jonthan Rigsby. I do agee that Republicans have to have a sound reckoning.
I think exciting and forward moves can come about because of the two catalysts of change -- Donald and Corona. The covers have been removed revealing all the brokeness for us to fix. And there are many, but the really big one is the growing gap of income, wealth and (because of these) opportunies. Until this is narrowed we will have more folks believing themselves shut out from prosperity and their lives unimportant -- which inclues a good chunk of those Trumpers.
I also wrote "Wings to Fly -- a Platform for all" which describes a way of moving forward. Also on MEDIUM.
Many thanks