One doesn't mean the other Monica.
I advocate that it's in yours and my interest to oust Putin from Ukraine. The Ukrainians have been doing an extraordinary job in defending their country and we should assist them with all our resources including engaging NATO. What is at stake is the defense of our way of life as much as their's and everyone around the world who wants to live in a free and open society. To let Putin savage a neighboring independent country will embolden him to come back for more (as he has done) and embolden autocrats and "would bes" around the world. Not taking this stand will absolutely cost us more down the road.
Will this war cost us? Of course it will. But that doesn't have to mean Americans go into poverty.
Certain increases in costs that appear big to ordinary folk can be offset. The average $300 in gas expenditure per year could be offset by an energy check to all (MUST NOT be in reduction in gas tax or more subsidies to oil companies). By the way, the percentage of pay spent on gas per mile of travel has been declining for years. The really BIG areas of inflation are in healthcare, education and housing.
You're right. We have to be careful using the U.S. dollar as a weapon because it has its limits. However the demise of the U.S. dollar will more likely come about because of use of cryptocurrency rather than any traditional alternative.
American isolation from the rest of world (the path this century) will lead to rising prices. Openess to the world in trade and exchange of knowledge and people lowers prices. We only have to look at the American consumer's experience first with Japan and then the big one, China. All that fantastic electronic stuff that you and I own would be many times the price and unattainable to many people everywhere and not just in the U.S.
I agree with you that many current policies are not serving us well. But it is the reverse of stockpiling building walls between nations.
Many thanks. Thoughtful article.