Nicely written concerns Glenn Hendrix.
You're right that the collapse of cities and nations have happened because too many starved in squalor while a few scoffed poached salmon in luxury. The particular royal households and regimes seemed unable to heed the warning signs because of either indifferent or not knowing quite what to do.
I don't see the US collapsing any time soon (pretty sure you don’t either) but a lot of pretty awful stuff can happen long before then -- and, we are at that place now typified by the rise of a populist demigod. The big bogey as you say is the huge gap between haves and have-nots. It's the gap of income, wealth (and because of these) opportunity.
There are ways of countering this to become a more prosperous and happier America. I invite you to read "Wings to Fly -- a Platform for All" which spouts the value of Yang's UBI. Would welcome your comments.
Many thanks