Nice piece Robert Jameson!
As you mention -- people are in a hurry. And, I imagine especially editors who most likely have their quick formulas identifying what's appealing to readers. But, commuters strutting city pavements getting from A to B is different from tourists who are looking every which way trying to enjoy the journey.
Often my friends skim and not read which is fine for picking up information but lousy for enjoyment of writing including the qualities you mention -- rhythm, pace, sound, intonation etc. It's interesting though that The Economist (that I have read weekly for 40 years) while having brevity and precision also finds room for irony, puns and even payfulness.
I also believe introducing a basic income is a way to move forward to prosperity and happier Americans. I wrote "Wings to Fly -- A Platform for all" which talks about it (with poetry) and I invite you to read. Here on MEDIUM. Also related "Happiness and Wealth -- it Takes Two to Tango".
Many thanks