Mitchell, Wall Street is just a market for raising money -- I mean a huge one. And we need it. Government can not do this alone and shouldn't attempt the parts that can be better achieved in the private sector.
Give you an example. Tesla. The innovation, production and SEXINESS of that vehicle has done much to change the attitudes about transitioning to electric (My car next purchase will be electric and probably a Tesla). This would have been very difficult for government to achieve. Would we have our I-Phones without Steve Jobs and apple? No.
But it is vital that Government put up the money for the big technology projects that go well into the future where private enterprize would have difficulty financing because the profits uncertain (the internet is an example).
Getting on the otherside of Climate is extremely expensive (electric vehicles are the easy bit) and it involves developing technology that we currently don't have. It's all actually very, very exciting and can be enormously beneficial to the U.S. and our prosperity. So far though most view it as a frightening issue to either lose sleep over or pretent it's too far off to worry about.
Sorry, got a bit off the subject of Democrats.
Many thanks