Mitchell, there is no ideal solution to this war. Unless Putin packs up and returns to his own country but chances of that appear close to nil.
Some kind of negotiated settlement has to happen at some point. Zelensky, himself, has said this and Kissinger is talking a few months (although I thought this more helpful if said privately).
btw: I don't think Henry would appreciate being grouped with Donald (although Donald would love it)
Putin CAN NOT return home with anything looking like a victory. Otherwise, he will bide time and be back. We are kidding ourselves by thinking otherwise.
America's goal looks watery. It needs to be clearly defined such as assisting Ukraine to oust Putin's forces from all or most of Ukraine, and the country being free from Putin's interference. Anything short of this invites an ongoing and expanding problem.
As far as the nuclear threat is concerned, Putin has opened that (in all parts of the world). We actually have to stand up to that because it will not diminish with Ukraine (or the West) giving land or treasure to Putin. Putin needs to know that America will EMPLOY its nuclear weapons if provoked.
Unfortunately, we have allowed ourselves to get into this jam. We should have responded to Putin with the full forces of NATO if not before the invasion, then immediately upon Ukraine's demonstration of willingness to fight like hell. This was difficult (and still is) because lack of American public backing (same thing as Syria).
It's almost comical that President Joe Biden repeats that America is willing to engage militarily to defend Taiwan AGAINST CHINA but refrains from one single American soldier in Ukraine. Wisdom, I guess, over all the years.
Many thanks. Always thoughtful and genuine.