Michael Arceneaux, I think it's a valid want of Nancy Peloci to have a strong and coherent opposition, which as you say, the Republicans today are clearly not. The checks and balances are important as well as having a legistlative body that debates issues from all sides.
There have been excellent Rebublican politicians that have been tatented and certainly had the best interests of America in mind. My list includes actually both Bushes (for differnet reasons) and Ronald Reagan. Were they perfect? No. But they contributed to America. Many Republican Secretaries of State, including James Baker, George Shultz, Lawrence Eaglebrger and Colin Powell were clever and valuable people. Current Republican voices like Gearge W Bush (on women in Afghanistan and immigration into the U.S.), William Cohen (on security issues during Trump) and John Kasich (on all kinds of national issues).
The list goes on and I have only mentioned a few. There would be as many on the Democratic side.
Why would Peloci NOT want the calibar of these people to discuss with?