Member-only story
Mark Shields — We will miss you!
“Every one of us has been warmed by fires we did not build and every one of us has drunk from wells we did not dig. Together we can’t do less for those that come after us and together we can do so much more” — Mark Shields
Like a big column standing upright over the ages, Mark Shields has been with us across the table from David Brooks, David Gergen, Paul Gigot and Lucius Sejanus. Last week was his final regular appearance on the Friday PBS NewsHour. We can’t help but be sad to lose that weekly bulwark of democracy but we can delight in the 33 years of Shields giving us the political and social situation and his thoughts on it. He always told it how it was with no personal agenda other than to make us take notice of what’s been happening and how it should rattle in our heads. Shields could always be counted on for digging into history, putting us in another’s shoes, painting scenarios and delivering arguments with humor and wit.
He remains Wow about politics — and that we need to increase, not decrease, this wonderful part of our lives because the alternatives are fist fights, military takeovers and nuclear plumes. Shields believes that time spent listening to folks with views different from our own is always worth the trouble, because from these exchanges solutions (even part solutions) can be uncovered, and fashioned into secured agreements. He also…