Listening doesn't mean capitulation Lauren Martinchek.
John Kasich is an excellent voice in America (I recall all the great John Kasich / Don Lemon interviews). We need more of the like. I know pragmatism, objectivity are not favorites today, but if chucking away reality and replacing with idealism that has no link to reality then we move to a very uncertain and even dangerous place. We have experienced this with Trump -- and he could have come from either party!
I don't agree with all that Kasich says -- I dont have to. I'm not going to shut someone out because they are not my color or share all the ideas that I have. I firmly maintain that I am stronger and not weaker for listening.
Bring on the Kasich's, Buckley's, McGovern's (and Sanders' for God's sake) because they are voices worth seriously listening to.
Always good to read your pieces.