Kevin Putzier. Very creative and this is exactly what we need to move us all forward. The implications of such a program are far reaching because they strengthen our society to not only prosper, but to confidently engage again with the world and tackle the huge issues such as climate.
Some thoughts:
We need to keep the the program simple (I know it won't be because as a designer I know it takes often complexity and knowhow for something to look simple). It able to be explained in a single sentence to your grandmother.
Much easier to sell if MOST people are included (I was immediately cut out of your program because I am resident and not citizen). When LBG introduced Medicare he made damned sure all (of the age group) were included. Programs for the poor never really have legs and are viewed as charity (or worse a hand out) which is subject to swings of generosity. The cut off point needs to be over $100,000 or even more per household year.
Also in the same vain of bigness, make the (weekly or bi-weekly) payments really beefy -- like we mean it. Say at least $30,000 per adult year.
As Dave Volek points out, I don't think we need a special fund. What we do want is increases in productivity and prosperity to pay for it all and your marriage between socialism and capitalism is very desirable if not absolutely necessary. I have written of this in Op-ed's in Hearst papers and here on MEDIUM "Happiness and Wealth -- it Takes Two to Tango" and on basic income "Wings to Fly -- a Platform for All".
Many thanks. Great stuff. Best to you.
Have to find better name than either UBI or GBI?