Katharine, Bernie is undoubtedly a hero. He's excellent at pointing out what needs correcting.
Prices are not high because of corporate greed any more than folks are poor because others are wealthy. These are satisfying explanations but distractions to what's happening.
Democrats could have helped themselves in this election by presenting remedies (even if they were in the longer term) for inflation. The supply side is critical; unfortunately, we have policies cramping this (continuing from our friend Donald). For instance, we could be driving Chinese electric cars that are a fraction of the cost of those made here. That would be a saving for you and me. Biden could remove tariffs on goods entering America and deliver about $1000 per year to our households. Another avenue is to have many times more immigration into America. This would dramatically reduce building and food costs apart from growing a stronger American future.
I wrote a piece on Bernie back when, but it remains relevant. "We Need Bernie -- Whether We Agree with Him or Not".
Many thanks. Best to you.