John, unraveling of course, and as you say, the nature of things. But along with that, there has been building on a grand scale, and the lives of ordinary folk vastly improved. Globalization was a huge factor in lifting more than one billion people from extreme poverty worldwide while delivering us goods to improve our own lives here in America.
Would you or I wish to return to living in the 1960s? I would not want to return to the early 21st century because NOW is an exciting world.
There are many issues to work through, such as Ukraine, climate, and better opportunities for many more people. These are great unraveling and balls tossed in the air to be caught and run with. That arch-villain, Ellon Musk, did precisely this by producing sexy electric and (hopefully) driverless cars to benefit everyone.
Most of the solutions are out there. We have to grab these and perhaps invent others that don't exist.
America has to adjust to a new place because Europe, Japan, and China are increasingly challenging its supremacy. But America, you and I can take advantage of this and prosper.
Many thanks. Best to you.