John, it's yet another reason that Trump should never become President again. The damage has not been repaired from his four years of foreign affairs "buffoonery" (a description offered by the Economist).
To list some of the worsts actions of incompetence and ignorance:
U.S. reneging on Iranian nuclear agreement, Withdrawal from Paris accord, Withdrawal from TPP (an important trade coalition as a counterweight to China), Withdrawal from northern Syria (abandoning the folk who were doing the fighting for us), Undermining of NATO (by suggesting the U.S. may not come to the defense of a fellow member) and Initiating withdrawal from Afghanistan when the U.S. were not suffering human losses (although this was adopted by bone-headed Biden).
And then there is North Korea, Mexico and the general U.S. detachment from Europe. All these amounted to a weakening of the U.S. that has assisted a street thugs like Putin.
Trump, never again. A reminder that the Democrats need strong contenders for the 2024 presidency. Neither Biden nor Harris are going to cut it.
Many thanks. Best to you.