John, I think you are right that we have made ground with many social issues -- Black Lives Matter I think being the big one.
There has been an isolationist trend so far this century in the U.S. -- and the rest of the world. It may be counterintuitive but this rend needs reversing. The retreats from Afghanistan and before in northern Syria do not make us safer or more prosperous. And, they happened because we felt tired, indifferent and careless (and I throw ignorance in there also).
America should be learning to better play in the world as opposed to shutting ourselves away and shying from the unknown. It takes guts (which we have plenty) and commitment (which we can work on) to engage and shape a world where we can prosper, and with our efforts others can too. It's essential that we get all our international relationships working to the max, to address security issues, but also the huge concern of climate change. As an example, it means having a positive (if not ideal) relationship with China and not a wall between us.
To your good article: There is certainly value in reflection but NOT as a substitute for engaging in the world.