Member-only story
Joe’s VP must have Red Hair?
We have a problem when symbolism becomes detached from or gets out in front of reality — the consequences can be disaster (Fixation on transatlantic speed forgot the very real iceberg — the consequences were gurgle, gurgle). Election choices should be the best person for the job and not who fits a pretty picture of an ideal — that like the Titanic can finish in total loss.
Joe blurted that he will choose a woman as his partner on the ticket (Bernie alongside with more oxygen going to the brain, remained uncommitted). The clamor of righteous souls adorning this “gem” of an idea was overwhelming while steadier minds remained mum. The following wave of “one-upmanship” proceeded to limit the choice even further. This time the woman had to be of color (one voice coming immediately after seeing her own chances for VP on the skids) — what will be next wave? red hair perhaps? or one leg shorter than the other?
Should the “chosen one” be with red hair or asymmetrical legs (perhaps a latter day Elizabeth or Claudius) then that’s great! but to impose a symbolic “gotta-be” deprives poor Joe, the Democrats and the country of a real choice. After all we want the best person for the job — don’t we? The real purpose of VP is to take over should the President become incapacitated — very important when it comes to Joe, arguable halfway there already.