Joe Duncan, a valuable take.
The problem Ron DeSantis has in being elected president is difficult, if not impossible, to overcome. He is UNLIKABLE.
Few have made the presidential office with this unfortunate trait. Richard Nixon was one, perhaps, and it took him many years and enormous effort to make it to the White House. Obama, (Bill) Clinton, Reagan, JFK, and FDR were the MOST LIKABLE.
Donald Trump was LIKABLE in the sense I mean. He connected with folk, and they identified with him.
The UNLIKABLES include not only DeSantis but Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and Michael Dukakis.
Ron DeSantis may eclipse Donald Trump in the early stages of the Republican primary, but another with a more agreeable personality could supersede him. It won't be Pence, Cruz, Pompeo, or any of that crowd.
Best for Democrats to assume the opposition, young and formidable. The first is NOT to accommodate Joe Biden with the nomination.
Many thanks.