Jared A. Brock and followers
No one has ever been seriously in business to create jobs. Billionaires are no exception. After all the idea is to illuminate work and not create it.
The fantastic results of this are that we have washing machines for our clothes and laptops which don't require white-out.
Reducing time and effort is the whole driving force behind innovation and producing the prosperous world we enjoy (admittedly, some more than others). We no longer have to walk or hitch a wagon to a horse.
The gripe in this article is a valid one. It (the rant) points to the issue of disparity of income, wealth and (because of these) opportunity. This absolutely needs correcting and there are ways of doing it. One way is not creating jobs but instead increase productivity. Actually jobs do come from this and growing businesses are always in search of talent.
As we move forward the population will generally be spending more time at leisure or doing things, they wish to, rather than have to.
The folk making the billions are not our enemies.