Jane Holmes, you paint an excellent picture of just where this guy Pete Buttigieg came from and what he can offer America (and the world). It is a mistake to assume that someone appearing from nowhere actually did. More often the case is that folk just have not heard, seen nor realized. Also, putting just 39 years into the frame makes for gross underestimation. Watching Pete’s catch-on to the world can at times seem frustratingly slow. I am consoled that Pete appears to take this “slowness” with steadiness and ease. Some time back I wrote him a note before one of the debates advising, no suggesting, to him that he should don a dress for the occasion (a mid-sky blue I thought may work well). It be designed to turn heads of the coastal pundits and to say the middle of the country can be sexy too and here is your life line to a “God send” of talent. Of course, no need for that now and Pete was probably wise not to take-up my best interest for him.
Moving to the less serious, Pete Buttigieg can position us back into the world where we can make a difference. He and his team can counter the retraction of involvement directed by previous presidents (the current one has all but pulled up the draw bridge and shuttered the windows) — problems just seeing out today.
Nothing will make Americans continue to prosper like the easy flow of goods, money and people to and from this country and around the world.
Old stuff perhaps, but is news to both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as well as many on the right. It is the reality, however, that needs continual reminding and embracing should we wish our well being. While overwhelmingly most Americans (as well as others around the world) benefit from opening gates and not closing them, there will be people who lose.
The key to making the success of freedom and prosperity is to acknowledge that there will be people who will lose and that we simultaneously have to maintain their wholeness.
This necessary scaffolding and safety nets have been missing in the past building of wealth, resulting in detrimental pop-ups like Donald Trump and Brexit. Pete Buttigieg has both the nouse and political acumen to correct this most important mistake (Andrew Yang is on the right track with his $1000 a month per person). A deal can be made that serves us all.