Jane Holmes, well expressed article. Your reasons for Pete Buttigieg to be at Joe Biden’s side make perfect sense. Foremost, Biden, if it can be remembered because history is so short, is not a strong candidate — certainly not by himself. He will need to be held up and patched every woken hour until the finish line. If we have learnt one thing over the past few days, it is that momentum counts, and counts enormously. It is currently alive — don’t kill it! Pete is already (kind of) in position, and Joe likes him which is good news. My advice would be to run with it and avoid the distraction of calling for another party currently off the field. The woman on the ticket issue is going to come up, but with some good management, those arguments can be abated (you make this point well in your article). If need be, Pete can put on a dress — whatever it takes to make this happen.
Buttigieg will sexy up the ticket with his youth, intellect and vitality — qualities that Biden lacks.
Well done and many thanks for your excellent thoughts.