Democrats are in a crisis, and elites in Washington, mainly, are in denial: Donald Trump is on track to defeat Biden. Alarm bells should be inescapable.
Biden is the problem and must announce he is not seeking a second term. The Democrats can then have an open primary. If there isn't time? Make time. Overnight excitement and reinvigoration would happen within the Party.
Biden? his popularity would zoom. If he stays and loses to Trump, he and his legacy will be toast. He would likely be better positioned to do more legislation, counter to the lame-duck theory.
I wrote "Donald Trump, the Town Hall Clown?" and "Award Joe Biden another Term?" and invite you to read.
To be elected president, LIKABILITY is essential. OAC and Buttigieg have it -- and Donald. Obama, Bill Clinton, and JFK had it in bucket-fulls.
Others like DeSantos and Warren, No Way in Hell.