A good dose of reality Dr. Munr Kazmir. Get Biden to step aside. Difficult, revolutionary, but prudent and worth a shot — if a few influential ears are listening and have the gumption to do something about it. Biden, bless his old sole, is shy of a ham sandwich (attribute to Colin McEnroe) and can make history for himself and the US by kindly allowing a more talented person to fill the roll as Democratic Nominee. The roll is way more demanding than defeating Donald but forging a brilliant new future for the security and prosperity of United States and the rest of the world. Optimistic? Yes. But the time is right — the balls are still in the air now.
I invite your readers to pursue the argument by reading here on Medium and the Houston Chronicle 5/5 "Let's Get Real -- Joe Biden is not up to the Job”
Many thanks Dr. Munr Kazmir.