Hossein, excellent article and especially for describing history for me and many who have forgotten or never knew.
Isolation is the worst. In countries as it is in people.
Unfortunately, most Americans couldn't fill a paragraph on Iran. The differences between Sunni and Shia Islam are little understood, and for that reason (among many), Iran is more connected to the West than Saudi Arabia. Before my time living in the U.S. and of the Shah, there was an American familiarity and fondness for Iran, Iranians, and the magnificent history and building of the world.
It's counterintuitive, but we must break the isolation because it only benefits the few holding power in Iran but also in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, etc. Our behavior in the West gives these parties strength they otherwise would not hold.
The foundation of the oppressive regime in Iran is the actual and perceived belligerence from Israel and America. Removing this and changing for the better is more likely.
Your previous article "How Will this Iranian Uprising End?" was important. Women are the key to reform (not just in Iran but all over the developing world). Their courage and strength have been demonstrated in many places recently, including India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Women's success in becoming par with men can transform Iran and Islam into modernity and competitiveness with the West. People often forget that Christianity went through this transition not so long ago.
Many thanks. And best to you.