There are always opportunities when changes occur. But they must be recognized and seized (a broken record of mine).
Iran could increase its security, as you described in your last paragraph. There is another way, but it requires America to reposition its thinking.
America could immediately ask Iran for a direct diplomatic relationship (if Saudi Arabia can do this, then why not the U.S.). This would supply America with a picture of Iran, not through the lens of Israel or a conduit country. Importantly, it would tell the world that America is interested in the security and prosperity of the Middle East and not fixated on Israel.
Iran feels vulnerable and has a new president, which is excellent timing for this move (the opposite current conditions of an emboldened Israel make cooperation with America less likely -- although, astonishingly, many think the opposite).
Shockingly, the U.S. has no constructive policy on Iran. It's time.
Excellent article. You include history that too many either don't know or have forgotten.
Best as always.