Great piece Fiona Cameron Lister.
The morning newspaper used to be the thing for me. Even the journey with the dog to retrieve it was part of the ritual I enjoyed. The front page, turning and shaping the pages and even tearing out the sudoko and crossword to complete before seriously starting my day. All most satisfying along with black coffee and lightly boiled egg on toast.
Then we left Connecticut for Miami and to a complex where newspapers are simply not delivered. So the New York Times moved to my iPad.
Digital and real time has its upsides. I found the comments to articles and opinions great expansions of the original pieces and very telling of how a population was thinking. I, of course, couldn't resist writing in my two cents. And having the NYT pick them was always a thrill.
I began writing "TAKE on OPINION" where I would take one of my responses from the week, build on it some more, and publish it. Mostly staying with the political and included the Washington Post as well as the Miami Herald.
Late afternoons I sit by the pool and thoroughly enjoy turning the pages of actual books, underlining with a pencil the salient points and bits I wish I had written. And I have no plans of giving this enjoyment.
Many thanks.