Good article Shankar Narayan.
Biden has a achieved a stabilization and some good measures after the buffoonery of Trump. That has served us well.
Going forward I see limitations with a Joe Biden presidency. It was worrying to me that he was indifferent to our presence in Afghanistan and didn't listen our involved partners or to his own Secretary of State. For example Biden could not see the opportunities for the increased role of women in the world and what that would mean. We are heading into an ugly, dangerous and expensive confrontation with China that could be avoided with skill -- which unfortunately Biden has never demonstrated. As with Afghanistan, foreign policy seems to be determined by popular emotion which can be very dangerous. Deftness is needed for the resurrection of the nuclear treaty with Iran. And then there's Putin and Russia not to mention the small power trouble spots that have surfaced because of America's retreat from the world. Notice Biden has no inclination towards any new trade agreements. What happened to TPP?
The presidency is a very demanding job and I question whether we could do better. His age is a big question.
There is the 2024 presidential election where the current two people on offer are qualified to lose should a half decent opponent surface from the Republican side (something unwise to not consider). Reasons: Both Biden and Harris are proven awful candidates (neither are competent speakers). Biden in the last election was retrieved from meeting St Peter because Sanders looked like seizing the nomination. And, Harris didn't make it to Iowa because of general lack of appeal and a campaign grossly mismanaged -- a candidate continually unprepared.
So while I agree with much of what you say. There is concern for the future.
Many thanks.