Good article John Graham.
You are right that Afghanistan will fall out of sight and mind pretty quickly. And as for the voting public -- foriegn issues seldom count much.
That said, I believe there was an opportunity in Afghanistan. Particularly what we had achieved for the status of women in an Arab and muslem country. It could have been championed and an example for may places in the world to follow (such as India and across Africa). Women are key to both world prosperity and security. These small shoots in an otherwise backward country needed nurturing. But instead Biden, in his carelessness, indifference or lack of intelligence, failed to see this and adopted home opinion as a better guide to foreign policy. He followed along with the Trump / Pompeo (shit-show) surrender of the country to the Taliban in Doha, when he could have reversed this.
Counter to most in the media and public notions, America had ceased being at WAR in Afghanistan. We had managed (eventually) to get the cost of lives to almost zero and expense to something we could afford.
We can certainly blame all four Presidents for their parts -- or rather, their non-parts. Afghanistan was always plagued by a dreadful lack of focus and what we were doing. We admirably (or naively) took on nation building which I believe parts could have achieved. But (and a huge one) not without steady long term work and commitment.
In America, we always want total successes or nothing (like the soldier in your piece). We got neither.
Thanks to you.