Good article Caren.
Yes DeSantis has positioned all the red meat up front for all the anti-dems. Loud and clear. Having secured that end I imagine him including a picture of reasonableness and pragmatism on the economy and the environment. This would separate him from Trump and attract moderates and independents wary of a country shifting to the left.
He's not Trump. He's a clever guy.
On the debit side, Ron DeSantis is a no great orator. While this can be overlooked as Governor, in a national election this would register. Presidents are typically great speakers -- look at Obama, (Bill) Clinton, even Nixon, JFK, FDR and Teddy Roseevelt. .We currently have a pretty mediocre speaker in Biden. But then he came about by special circumstances. And this would be a huge impediment should he make the dumb decision to run again.
Thanks. Best to you.