Member-only story
Getting the Most from our Children — and Joe Biden
Bryce Covert in the New York Times June 24, 2021 is tough on Biden’s plan for child care but concedes it’s multiple times better than what we currently have — and, when compared with Portugal, Iceland and Estonia?
Our Opinion writer is expecting too much from Joe Biden as he positions himself to sell the deal to the American people. We suspect he hasn’t possibly explored the subject in great depth. As for Joe’s thinking behind the times? — well, remember the record player moment. Anyway he’s far ahead of Republicans wishing America to remain the same. Joe wants to install thousands of electrical outlets across the nation to power our new cars although 99% of trips can be charged from home and independently businesses can easily fill in the extra needs. Joe cries “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” when the real issue is productivity — of making money, rather than losing it. Another Joe is “Buy American” which may offer a naive satisfaction at home — but not prosperity. Of course these are not the whoppers of Trump and Company, but falsehoods all the same — that won’t serve us well. We believe our President deferential to science and that two and two still make four.