Garrett Snedaker,
If Democrats had more numbers in the House and Senate they would have more room to pass their agenda. That means SELLING what they have to offer and getting folk to vote for them. They often do a poor job with this (case in point the infrastructure bill). It's a bigger country than they think.
Hell bent on maintaining the status quo? Any party (and members) can only be so far ahead of their voters without losing them. All in all Democrats have successfully shifted America to the left. Bernie can be credited with much of that but there were many others also including actually Biden and Pelosi.
Not all of Bernie's ideas were brilliant. He was instrumental in focusing on national weaknesses. Enormous credit to him. But some of his remedies are questionable and sometimes dreadful (he would bring back rent control). Like Elizabeth Warren -- way too much decision making at high levels when it can be better made at more local levels. For example we don't need a federal child care system. But rather money placed directly into family pockets for THEM to decide what is best. With the means the system would generate itself.
Personally, I don't want to be told by Elizabeth Warren or other (she's probably going to seek the presidency 2024) what is important to me and how I should spend my money. There is an arrogance of many on the left that does not sit well with a big chunk of the country.
Many thanks and thoughtful article.