Excellent article Sakshi Kharbanda.
Taiwan has to navagate and ride their relationship with China skillfully.
I think it should be understood (and without any ambiguity) that the U.S. is NOT going to war with China over Taiwan. It would be physically difficult and enormously costly in money and lives. Americans would not have the stomach for it. Australians too needs reminding themselves of this reality.
The U.S. relationship with China can be the determining factor in Taiwan's future. A growing divide between the two big powers can pressure Taiwan to choosing a side. Not a good position. to be in.
It is counterintuitive, but the U.S. needs to step up all its connections with China. Trade and educational, cultural and recreational exchanges need increasing and not decreasing. Xi Jinping would possibly resist, but he should not deter our efforts. A strong well connected web of interests both allows for more communication and lowers tensions. Greater security (and prosperity) can result.
Many thanks