Excellent article Saamir Ansari.
I don't know. I would still take the "good immigrant" as a plus in a world so opposed to the flow of people -- especially those not looking like them.
Not exactly similar, but your article reminded me of something back with the AIDS epidemic in the U.S. under Ronald Reagan. Ryan White was a teenager who contracted AIDS accidentally by a blood transfusion. He was hailed as the "innocent" one who later died. The American population offered enormous sympathy towards this "good" AIDS victim but at the same time not AIDS victims generally.
The upside though, was that attention and money was finally directed to the issue.
The resistance to immigration here in the U.S. is intense. Both the UK and America desperately need people and talent from outside their borders in order to remain prosperous. I invite you to read a recent short piece "Immigration and Climate Solutions Are Related"
Many thanks.