Excellent article Henryk.
The U.S. is not only stretched militarily (or easily could be) but there is zero public appetite for even beginning this war let alone seeing it through. I believed there were valid reasons to maintain a presence in Afghanistan but Biden and popular sentiment couldn't manage that. This of course Putin has in his equation as well as the history you point out.
What strikes me is that this aggression is personal -- one man, Putin. From what I understand there is no huge Russian desire to invade this neighbor. Is there a person from within who can convince Putin that this is not in his long term interests? Is there a personally targeted way that Putin can be channelled in a happier direction.
Putin is 69. That age old problem of dictators must be increasingly worrisome. How does one retire in safety and with loot intact? Could there be a solution for the West along these lines?
Biden and Blinken have promised devastating sanctions (we use them because we don't think they cost anything) but this administration has a habit of over promising and under delivering. And, these are already in Putin's equation.
Unfortunately, our U.S. vulnerability (not to mention Ukraine's) demonstrates our terrible lack of preparation. For example: Are we clear what we would do if Russia invaded one of the Baltic countries? I'm not certain that we are.
Many thanks and best to you.